Increased prices in buy and sell markets cause also increased costs in spare parts and repair wages.Obviously with car raising prices and repairing, people will be unable to afford payment and it makes the situation difficult and worse.So Amirzadegan technology development and Production Company has taken an action to invest in order to provide using car repair services in total installments. The credit for the services will be deposited on credit cards that will be provided to compatriots. Compatriots can use this credit up to 100 million rials to have car repair services, buying instruments and spare parts ( tire) and also all of these services include 3 up to 12 months guarantee.

This credit will be renewed after the end of repayment period. According to the received coordination with banks of the contracting party, in this project all the repayments are calculated with no fees and dear compatriots won't pay any fees for using these installment services.
Dear users must register on the website in order to use Amirzadegan company's repair car services and then the cards will be provided to you based on the selected services and also priority in registration.