Concerning the conversion rate increased in the iran and certainly raised tourism services, Amirzadegan technology development and Production Company due to great investing in banking body of the country, has taken an action to provide tourism services in total installments with no repayment. The credit for the services will be deposited on credit cards that will be provided to compatriots. Compatriots can purchase tourism services with this credit up to 100 million rials and this credit will be renewed after the end of repayment period. According to the received coordination with banks of the contracting party, in this project all the repayments with an annual fee of 4 % are calculated and repaid for 24 months.
Dear users in order to use Amirzadegan company's tourism services must register on the website and then the cards will be provided to compatriot to you based on the selected services by your compatriots in the registration form and also priority in registration. It should be mentioned that provided tourism services doesn't include tickets or hotels. It is only an internal and external tourism tour services and also prices of these services are exactly the same from the companies which provide them and no increased prices will be applied. Which is checkable and comparable.